Saturday, February 27, 2010

Zombie Yoda

Zombie Yoda
This is a sketch of a Yoda toy we got at McDonald's. He turned out looking like a zombie. I think it makes him a much more badass jedi.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


The minimalist philosophy:
Keep it simple.

More about minimalism:
- mnmlist
- Minimal
- Minimalissimo

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Azpiri fan-art

Azpiri fan-art
This is a sketch of Alfonso Azpiri's character taken from his comics in Heavy Metal magazine. Azpiri has a unique style that is very easy to recognize with his round, flowing lines and the use of water colors.
Here's the full page of sketches from my recent posts.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Iron fan-art

Iron fan-art
This is a sketch of Angel, the main character of a comics made by Iron (published in Heavy Metal magazine). I could'nt find any information about him so if anyone knows something about who this guy is, i'd be glad to know. All I can say is that he is a fenomenal artist. Most of his work features alot of violence and they give a feeling like that of watching an action film. Everything is very dynamic and he has a great sense of space and timing. He also has a very distinct style. Brilliant work.